It is said that good ideas start with practical needs.
But alas, we are huge sauna lovers! We can even say: “Monday to
Friday we are hard at work, but on Saturday and Sunday, you will find us in the sauna.”
Choosing an appropriate sauna for yourself, which would fit the modern city setting as well as become an irreplaceable detail of a country house garden, was an impossible task…
And so the story of Ahja Klaassaun began – Always there. Always together.
We ship worldwide!

1. Do I need a construction permit?
As long as Ahja Klaassauns aren’t above 5 m nor exceed 20 m2, you DON’T NEED a construction permit (In Estonia!).
2. Do I need a capital foundation?
No. Depending on the property type and terrain, 4-6 post foundations or a foundation pillow filled with gravel should be enough. The sauna can be installed on a stone paving or a terrace with sufficient carrying capacity. It is important that the base terrain is level.
3. What is the most important when choosing a location for the sauna?
It is important to ensure access to crane-equipped vehicles and, of course, consider the view you will enjoy while taking a sauna.
4. How many sauna-goers can fit at once?
We estimated it to accommodate 3-5 people.
5. Kas Ahja Klaassaun organiseerib sauna aluse ettevalmistamise?
Ahja Klaassauna esindaja saadab vajalikud joonised ja kui võimalik, siis jagab võimaliku tööde teostaja kontakti. Reeglina on sauna aluse ettevalmistamine kliendi kohustus.
5. Does Ahja Klaassaun take care of the sauna foundation?
Ahja Klaassaun representative will send out the required drawings and share the contact of the potential contractor, if possible. As a rule, sauna base preparation is the client’s responsibility.
6. How long is the delivery time of the Ahja Klaassaun?
This is very hard to predict, given today’s raw material deficit and long delivery times. Presumably, it could take from 8 to 10 weeks after the receipt of the first prepayment.
7. Does Ahja Klaassaun organise transportation?
Whether transportation is provided by Ahja Klaassaun or the client is agreed upon in advance.
8. Is the sauna delivered fully completed?
Yes. Our saunas are 100% completed at the factory.